

Monday, August 19, 2013

Getting closer...

So, the day is getting closer and closer. Only days left until I begin my Great Adventure. It really is one because I haven't been 'away from home' in over 10+ years. My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 18 years, and it's going to be a challenge for both of us to relearn what it feels like to live alone.

That aside, I've also had the added adventure of learning that my new campus "apartment"( a room in a two level house that's been divided into two apartments with 2 rooms a piece) is unfurnished. The expenses keep adding up in a way that I didn't expect, seeing that I had been hoping for a room on campus, but because of a housing shortage, I ended up in this odd situation. I have no idea who my roommates are yet, either, but I was supposed to have received a packet about move-in -- and have not. There's a lot of little things that keep becoming important - like not seeing my CalGrant (a very good award) on my financial aid -- which is also what would be paying my rent for the year. Yikes!

Really, all I can do is keep calm (and carry on?) and let the pieces fall into place with some well-timed phone calls and nerves of steel. At this point, though, not much can stop me short of a natural disaster.

I've packed my suitcase with a lot of college-y clothing (meaning, lots of pj pants and comfy weather-appropriate clothing -- and some field work appropriate clothing as well), and have packed my 'moving bins' (cute pink plastic bins from Tarjay) with everything I can possibly think I might need, from electronics, to school supplies, to decor, to kitchen goodies. My new, adorable scandinavian-style futon is being picked up on the way there because the Move Me To School caravan includes, thankfully, my friend's truck that will be a lifesaver, otherwise we may have had to make multiple trips!

So, this is behind-the-scenes look at how a degree in marine science starts: with all the sweaty, stressful groundwork. Never fret, though, especially if you're new to college because after all of this part is over, it's over for at least two semesters (or quarters, or whatever else they call them).

Once I'm set-up and everything is in its place, i'll have to learn how to bus it using the campus shuttle and figure out how to get around in town. There's a nice little mall area about 2 miles or so from the main campus that has all the usual suspects: Target, Michaels, Kohls, etc. I'm hoping there's a real grocery store available on transit, as well, because along with the unfurnished apartment -- i'm forgoing a meal plan in favor of cooking for myself....As I'm a decent cook, I don't forsee this to be a problem other than access to a grocery store.

I'm kind of disappointed about one thing though: I had been really looking forward to being a volunteer at the Monterey Bay Aquarium this year, but because of my crazy class schedule, I won't be able to make both their informational meetings or any of the required training. Bummer.

Lastly, I am working on setting up my website for the first time in years because I want to make sure that I have somewhere to point people when they ask what I'm studying! I'm hoping to have this blog integrated with it, too, so that people can follow along with my experiences. Not that it's too exciting so far - but just you wait! Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading about your adventures at the uni and beyond. :)
